Second Sight
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Legal Video

Second Sight Video & Multimedia has been providing legal video services since 1988. As a result, our camera operators are experienced, professional and thoroughly familiar with California Code of Civil Procedure section 2025 - as well as the Federal Rules - as they apply to deposition video taping. Our operator will arrive in advance to set up the room, so there will be no delays in starting the deposition. All speaking parties will have their own lavaliere (tie clip) microphone. We will provide Court Reporters with complementary audio tape copies and, if requested, their own set of headphones for better sound. We will make an in-camera master tape in high quality digital video for a perfect picture. We will also make a simultaneous VHS copy for you, the hiring party, with on screen time and date display for easy reference. We can synchronize our time with the Court Reporter if they are running 'real time'. We will also make available to you - and to all parties to the case, as required by the Code - copies of the deposition video from the digital master. Copies can be made either on standard VHS, on CD-ROM or on high quality DVD.

Need to prepare the video deposition for trial? With Second Sight Video & Multimedia, trial preparation is as easy as a phone call or e-mail. Since we retain all master tapes until six months after the disposition of the case, as stipulated by the Code, we will have your master available for editing when you need it. Simply send us the edits based on the transcripts, and we will prepare an edited version for review by the Court. Since it is on our computer, the edited deposition can be revised based on the Court's rulings on objections, etc. Finally, Second Sight will simplify the process of showing your deposition video in Court by preparing the video on a DVD, with easy to access chapters for each of the sections that you would like to show. Or, if you need full access to the deposition, we also offer Text Sync; you are provided with a CD that contains the video transcript and a complimentary viewer, and it automatically plays the transcript video deposition on your computer.

Jim Davidson and David Weingarten are dependable and reliable videographers who will provide a professional appearance and demeanor. We do not charge for 'day before' cancellations or schedule changes and we will always call to confirm the job details before we come on site.

For a quote on your next video deposition, click here

For more information, please contact us at: (925) 935-1200

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